Escape The Fate

Bleed For Me

Escape The Fate

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Bleed For Me

	  		verse 1 
Bm                          G 
I miss that look in your eye 
How your body felt on mine 

Remember everything 
A                     Bm 
I remember everything 
I'm saying sorry again 
'Cause it's you I can't forget 

There's something more to this 
I know there's something more to this 

Bm G Would you bleed for me like I bleed for you? D A Would you tear your heart open? Tell me the truth Bm G Would you bleed for me like I bleed for you? D A Bm Even if I was broken, broken like you
verse 2 Bm G I miss the taste of your lips D Feeling your breath on my skin Remember everything A Bm I remember everything G I hope one day things can change D 'Cause you're worth all of the pain I keep on holding on A I just keep on holding on
Bm G Would you bleed for me like I bleed for you? D A Would you tear your heart open? Tell me the truth Bm G Would you bleed for me like I bleed for you? D A G Even if I was broken, broken like you
Bridge Em Somebody save me D I feel like I'm on my own A G Even when I'm alone with you Em Somebody save me D When you hold me in your arms A G I don't know if I belong with you
Bm G Would you bleed for me like I bleed for you? D A Would you tear your heart open? Tell me the truth Bm G Would you bleed for me like I bleed for you? D A Even if I was broken, broken like you Bm G Would you bleed for me like I bleed for you? D A Would you tear your heart open? Tell me the truth Bm G Would you bleed for me like I bleed for you? D A Even if I was broken, broken like you

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