Relient K

The Best Thing

Relient K

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The Best Thing

Year: 2007 - Album: Five Score and Seven Years Ago

Intro: B   D#m  E  C#m  F#  B 

It's been the year filled with problems 
But now your here almost as if to solve them 
E                  F# 
I can't live in a world without you now 
All my life iv'e been searching for you 
How did I survive in this world before you 
E                              F# 
Cause I dont wanna live another day without you now 

This is the best thing 
The best thing that could be happening 
And I think you would agree 
The best thing is that its happening to you and me 

All I wanna have is all that you can give me 
And I'll give right back everything I have in me 
E                          F# 
Cause nothing ever felt as right as this does right now 
B                                     G#m 
I'll go back to before we met try and erase the past try harder to forget  
E                             F#               B 
Cause nothing will ever be as good as here and now 

Cause when I looked into your eyes 
And you dared to stare right back 
                       E              F# 
You should have said nice to meet you I'm your other half 

      This is the best thing 
      The best thing that could be happening 
2x                            E 
      And I think you would agree 
      The best thing is that its happening to you and me 

I always knew   I'd find someone 
I never dreamt  it be like this 
  B                                  F# 
Cause you've surpassed all that I've hoped for and ever wished 
       B                    G#m 
And I'm trying so hard with all my heart and mind 
   E                                     F# 
To make your life as good as you've made mine 
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