Patricia Fawkes


Patricia Fawkes

ukulele Advanced advanced


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	  		Intro Dm  C7  Dm   
        C   F  Dm  
        G#7  G7  C  
        Dm  C7  Dm   
        C   F  Dm  
        G#7  G7  C  Dm 

There's a rank and a kind of affinity 
And there's no other way out from your faith 
Far beyond value and veracity 
You have to take care of what could be fake 
   Dm                         Bb 
I guess I Know what you' ll like 
   A                             Bb  C 
I guess I know what you' ll hide 
Dm                  C 
To draw your attention 
       Dm           C           
And feed your jealous mind 
Dm               G#7  G7                  C  Dm 
All you have mentioned, it's easy to find 
      Dm   C 
It's not a big deal 
Just have to be ready to see 
Dm             G#7  G7           C  Dm 
Now you're losing the game to me 
A                           G 
Everybody watches everybody 
For nobody does what they want to do 
A                           G 
Everybody watches everybody 
For nobody loves who they want to love 

And all the repression and self censorship 
It freezes your mind from what it could be 
There's a door to be opened, a new world out there 
Escape from the cave and come to share 
  Dm                            Bb 
I just don't know what you're waiting for 
  A                              Bb   C 
I just don't know why you feel unsure 
Dm                  C 
To draw your attention 
       Dm           C      F 
And feed your jealous mind 
Dm               Dm7(5-)             G7   Cm  Dm 
All you have mentioned, it's easy to find 
It's not a big deal 
        Dm            C      F 
Just have to be ready to see 
Dm             G#7  G7           C  Dm 
Now you're losing the game to me 
A                           G 
Everybody watches everybody 
For nobody does what they want to do 
A                           G 
Everybody watches everybody 
For nobody loves who they want to love 

( Dm  C/D  Bb/D  C/D ) 
( Dm  C/D  Bb/D  Am6- ) 

     Dm  C/D  Bb/D     Am 
Escape       Everybody 
     Dm    C/D  Bb/D  
     Am                                Bb  C  Dm 
Escape from the cave and come to share 
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