Pablo Cruise

Love Will Find A Way

Pablo Cruise

ukulele Advanced advanced


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Love Will Find A Way

Written by David Jenkins/Cory Lerios


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Intro: (palm mute) e|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| B|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| Repeat D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| E|-3-3-1-3---3-1-3-|-3-1-3---3-3-1-3-|-3-3-1-3---3-1-3-|-3-1-3---3-3-1-3-|
Verse: G Someone, someone's got me wrong G C You thought that your love was strong C G Now you're feelin' like such a fool. Poor you G You're thinkin' maybe if you said goodbye G C You'll understand the reason why C G F#m The love you had felt so cruel, um-hm Chorus: D Oh, but it's all right (all right) D Once you get past the pain (past the pain) D You'll learn to find your love again D So keep your heart open B A G A 'Cause love will find a way Ohh Oooo Verse: (Use same progression from first verse) Sometimes we all feel a need to change Our love we have to rearrange And move on to something new, yes you do Your dreams feel like they're fallin' apart You need to find a brand new start But you're almost afraid to be true to yourself
Oh, but it's all right (all right) Once you get past the pain (past the pain) You'll learn to find your love again So keep your heart open 'Cause love will find a way
Bridge: C Am Love will find a way F D#m F - F - F Love will find a way GUITAR Solo: (Use chord progression from verse) Verse: So now don't, don't be afraid of yourself Just move on to something else And let your love shine through Chorus: Again yes 'cause it's all right Once you get past the pain You'll learn to find your love again So keep your heart open 'Cause love will find a way Oh, but it's all right Once you get past the pain You'll learn to find your love again So keep your heart open 'Cause love will find a way
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