New Found Glory

Stories Of A Different Kind

New Found Glory

ukulele Advanced advanced


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Stories Of A Different Kind

Written by Cyrus Bolooki/Chad Gilbert/Ian Grushka/Jordan Pundik


verse 1: 
        A     E    D 
You're 21 and jaded 
While I'm just trying 
E              D 
to survive but you  

still See me smiling 
You're arrogant like 
       E      D A 
you've made it  Acting 
like the living dead 
But I'm the one 
who's alive instead 

Fires fighting and 
long wasted nights 
have Become the 
moments that 
I live for 

A E Bm D Stories of a different A kind You do it for E Bm D money while I do it A for a good time And E Bm D you can bet when A it ends I'll be E Bm full of debt but D I'll have no D A/C# Bm E regrets A E D A E D D(hold) no regrets
verse 2: A Rocket shooting you E D straight to the top A And I'm afraid you E miss the point D And you need some reminding You're A no pioneer your E D way was paved A A decade ago E I was in your D shoes But never had your attitude (Repeat Refrain)
A E Bm D Stories of a different A kind You do it for E Bm D money while I do it A for a good time And E Bm D you can bet when A it ends I'll be E Bm full of debt but D I'll have no regrets A E Bm D Stories of a different A kind You do it for E Bm D money while I do it A for a good time And E Bm D you can bet when A it ends I'll be E Bm full of debt but D D A/C# Bm E I'll have no regrets F#m E D A Bm C#m x2 no regrets
Bridge: F#m I've been around E the world a thousand D times Had people A Bm C#m F#m shouting out my name E To later on forget D all the words they sang And it never A Bm C#m felt the same F#m I've been around E the world a thousand D times Had people A Bm C#m F#m shouting out my name E To later on forget D all the words they sang And it never A Bm C#m A Bm C#m felt the same D D D felt the same
A E Bm D Stories of a different A kind You do it for E Bm D money while I do it A for a good time And E Bm D you can bet when A it ends I'll be E Bm full of debt but D I'll have no regrets A E Bm D Stories of a different A kind You do it for E Bm D money while I do it A for a good time And E Bm D you can bet when A it ends I'll be E Bm full of debt but D I'll have no regrets A E You'll be emptied Bm D files in a trash A E can And I'll be a Bm D good find in a used bin A E You'll be emptied Bm D files in a trash A E can And I'll be a Bm D D(hold) good find in a used bin
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