Natalie Merchant


Natalie Merchant

ukulele Easy easy


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Written by Natalie Merchant

Key:  Dm More
Texas Key AmAm
Texas Key A#mA#m
Texas Key BmBm
Texas Key CmCm(one step down)
Texas Key C#mC#m(half step down)
Texas Key DmDm(original key)
Texas Key D#mD#m(half step up)
Texas Key EmEm(one step up)
Texas Key FmFm
Texas Key F#mF#m
Texas Key GmGm
Texas Key G#mG#m
Dm G C G Am Gonna get what's mine and wild horses couldn't keep it from me. Dm G C G Am Papa says I'm a golden child and the whole world's gonna fall at my feet. Dm G Am It's all coming to me.
VERSE: Am C Going down picking when it's harvest time, gonna get my share, gonna get what's mine for me. Am C Sun is a-blazing down but I don't mind; I'm picking, I'm digging, it's harvest time for me. F C Dm G Am When I get my little eye on it, when I get my little mind on it, you best believe. VERSE: Am C Ole sweet tooth aching in my head, gonna fill my belly to the brim, oh yes indeed! Am C Hive is a-buzzing in a hollow tree and I don't care if I gotta kill a little honeybee. F C Dm G Am When I get my little eye on it, when I get my little mind on it, you best believe. F C Dm G Am Oh my my my my my my, it's all coming to me.
Dm G C G Am Gonna get what's mine and wild horses couldn't keep it from me. Dm G C G Am Papa says I'm a golden child and the whole world's gonna fall at my feet. Dm G Am It's all coming to me.
VERSE: Am C Pumpin' and a-suckin' till the well is dry, nobody's booming in these busted times like me. Am C Down in Texas where the cattle don't roam oil is a-dripping and the savings and loans, they bleed. F C Dm G Am When I get my little eye on it, when I get my little mind on it, you best believe. F C Dm G Am Oh my my my my my my, it's all coming to me. BRIDGE/OUTRO: Am Papa came along and he shook the tree; Am down came a bushel and a peck for me. F Papa shooed away all the honeybees. Am Papa dug a well and it flowed for me. Am Papa caught the mother-lode fish for me. F Am Papa set a fire and it burned for me. Dm F Papa put a skillet in the flame to fry; C G Papa filled this little silver spoon of mine. F Am Papa said the Lord took a shine to me. Dm F Papa said I gotta set the whole world free. C G whole world free, whole world free Am Papa said how it's gonna be.
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