Backstreet Boys

I Want It That Way

Backstreet Boys

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I Want It That Way

Year: 1999 - Album: The Hits: Chapter One

Written by Andreas Mikael Carlsson/Martin Karl Sandberg

	  		Intro: F#m D A x2 

Verse 1: 
     F#m    D  A 
You are, my fire 
      F#m  D  A 
The one, desire, 
   F#m        D  A 
Believe, when I say, 
F#m         E   A 
I want it that way 
    F#m      D    A     F#m 
But we, are two worlds apart, 
         D   A        F#m 
Can't reach to, your heart, 
      D   A       F#m        E    A 
When you say,That I want it that way 

D Tell me why, E F#m (Ain't nothin' but a heart ache) D Tell me why, E F#m (Ain't nothin' but a mist-ake) D Tell me why, E A I never wanna hear you say F#m E A I want it that way....
Verse 2: F#m D A Am I your fire F#m D A Your one desire F#m D A Yes I know it's too late F#m E A But I want it that way (chorus) F#m A Now i can see that we've fallen apart D Bm E From the way that it used to be, yeah F#m No matter the distance A I want you to know that D E Deep down inside of me D E A You are my fire D E A The one desire You are, you are, you are, you are (N.C) Don't wanna hear you say... (key change to B major) E F# G#m Ain't nothin' but a heart ache, E F# G#m Ain't nothin' but a mist-ake, E F# B I never wanna hear you say, G#m F# B I want it that way E Tell me why, F# G#m (Ain't nothin' but a heart ache) E Tell me why, F# G#m (Ain't nothin' but a mist-ake) E F# G#m Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say F# B I want it that way E Tell me why, F# G#m Ain't nothin' but a heart ache, E F# G#m Ain't nothin' but a mist-ake, E F# B Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say,(Don't wanna hear you say it) G#m F# B I want it that way (N.C.) I want it that way...

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