
A Minute Without You


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A Minute Without You

Written by Isaac Hanson/Taylor Hanson/Zachary Hanson/Mark Hudson

Intro:  D2  D  D2  D  G2  G  G2  G 2x
Verse 1:
       D                   D2 D         G2 G              G2 G
Well I woke up this morning     and the night had been so long
D             G            A           A2 A A2
It seems that I had had my mind on you
D        G2 G A D       G2 G  A
Well the day     it has begun
    D2 D                  G2 G                       A
And I can't get a minute, can't get a minute without you
             G            G2 G        A            F#m
Cause you're always on my mind you're always in my head
G           G2 G  A
And I can't live, I can't live another day without you
D                                A                             G
Cause when the minutes seem like hours and the hours seem like days
Then a week goes by you know it takes my breath away
D                      A                                 G
All the minutes in the world could never take your place
                                  A                    D
There's one-thousand-four-hundred-forty hours in my day
Verse 2:
D                   G            D   D2 D D2
I've been trying to call you all day
D                     G2 G                  A
Cause I've go so many things that I want to say
G         A                  G                            Bm  F#m
I'm going crazy cause all my thoughts are filled with you
G                     G2 G           A
There's got to be some way I can get through to you oh
Repeat chorus: but from last line go into the intro
Lead in to bridge : G  D  Em
Em           G                D                  D2 D D2
Well I can't keep myself from thinking about you
Em             G              D
It's because I love you and I know that that is true oh
Em            G                F#m          Bm
Call it desperation, can't you see it in my eyes
               G                     A                  D (chorus)
That I want to be with you until the sun falls from the sky
Repeat chorus 4x and end
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