The Libertines

What became of the likely lads

The Libertines

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What became of the likely lads

B, C#m, A,A,A,A,A,A x2 
Verse 1 
Please don't get me wrong see  
  C#m                                   D            D E 
I forgive you in a song well call the likely lads, 
A                              C#m                  
But if its left to you I know exactly what you'd  
                D              D E 
do with all the dreams we had, 
         D               Fm 
Just blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves ,  
you know if that's important to you,  
C#m        D          Bm  C#m  
Its       important to     me 
Dm                            C#m       Bm    E 
I tried to make you see, but you don't wanna know! 
Verse 2 
A                                     E                                      
If you pipe all summer long then get forgiven  
                        D             D E 
In a song well that's a touch my lad, 
They sold the rights to all the wrongs  
and when they knew you'd give me songs 
         D           D E 
Welcome back I said 
         D                               Fm 
Just blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves ,  
you know if that's important to you,  
C#m        D          Bm  C#m  
Its       important to     me 
Dm                            C#m           Bm       E 
I tried to make you see, but you don't wanna know! 
A       C#m           D 
Oh what became of the likely lads? 
A       C#m           D 
Oh what became of the dreams we had? 
A       C#m          D  
Oh what became of forever? 
A      C#m           D 
Oh what became forever? 
D           E        A 
Though we'll never know 
Verse 3 (Same as verse 2) 
Please don't get me wrong see I forgive 
 you in a song well call the likely lads, 
We all bought the ones, we taught em all 
 we wrote the songs that's filled with dreams we have 
   D                    Fm 
Just blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves ,  
you know if that's important to you,  
C#m        D          Bm  C#m  
Its       important to     me 
Dm                           C#m      Bm       E 
I tried to make you see, but you don't wanna know! 
A       C#m            D 
Oh what became of the likely lads? 
A       C#m           D 
Oh what became of the dreams we had? 
        C#m          D  
Oh what became of forever? 
A       C#m         D 
Oh what became forever? 
D           E        A 
Though we'll never know 
Contribuição: Rafael Pereira da Silva([email protected]) 

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