Jamie Cullum

These Are The Days

Jamie Cullum

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These Are The Days

Written by Ben Cullum

G     F9    Em    A7    Am7     D11     G   Csus2/G  
G              F9                     Em      A7  
These are the days that I've been missing    
                 Am7          D11              G        C  
Give me the taste give me the joy of summer wine  
G              Fmaj7                     Em      A7  
These are the days that bring new meaning  
                 Am7          D11              G  
I feel the stillness of the sun and I feel fine  
E                                      Am7          Dsus4  
Sometimes when the nights are closing early  
I remember you and I start to smile  
E                                      Am7   
Even though now you don't want to know me  
           Dsus4    Abmaj7          Bb  
I get on by, and I go the extra mile  
G              F9                     Em      A7  
These are the times of love and meaning  
                 Am7          D11              G        C  
Ice of the heart melted away and found the light  
G              Fmaj7              Em      A7  
These are the days of endless dreaming  
                Am7           D                     G      C  
Troubles of life floating away like a bird in flight  
                  G     C  
These are the days,   
                  G7     C  
these are the days,   
                  G     C  
these are the days  
G              F7               Em      A7  
Da da da da     da da da da       da da  
             Am7            D              G  
Da da da da     da da da da  da   da da da da         
G              Fmaj7            Em      A7  
Da da da da     da da da da da   da da da da  
             Am7            D              G  
Da da da da     da da da da  da   da da da da         
E                                      Am7          Dsus4  
Thought you said our love would last forever  
Believing that the tears would end for good  
E                                      Am7  
I told you that we?d get through any weather  
           Dsus4                  Abmaj7                 Bb  
Maybe that didn?t work out, but we did the best we could  
G              F9                     Em      A7  
These are the days that I've been missing    
                 Am7          D11              G        C  
Give me the taste give me the joy of summer wine  
G              Fmaj7                     Em      A7  
These are the days that bring new meaning  
                 Am7          D11                G   C   G  
I feel the stillness of the sun and I feel fine  
Tabbed by: Blair 


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