Amy Winehouse

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow

Amy Winehouse

chords Beginner beginner


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Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow

Written by Carole King, Gerry Goffin

	  		C                    C             F            G  
Tonight you're mine completely  
C                    C             Fmaj7     G  
You give your love so sweetly  
E7sus4       E7        Am      E/B       Am  
Tonight, the light of love is in your eyes  
F                 G7             C  
But will you love me tomorrow 
C            Am        Fmaj7       G  
Is this a lasting treasure  
C            Am        Fmaj7       G  
Or just a moment's pleasure?  
E7sus4     E7       Am     E/B        Am  
Can I believe the magic of your sighs  
Fmaj7         G         C        Am 
Will you still love me tomorrow 
F maj7        Fmaj7           Em7     Em7 
Tonight with words unspoken  
Fmaj7         Fmaj7           C           C7 
You say that I'm the only one  
Fmaj7        Fmaj7            Em7     Em7 
But will my heart be broken  
        A          D/A       Dm7       G7  
When the night meets the morning sun 
C         Am7       Fmaj9      G7 
I have to know that your love  
C         Am7       Fmaj7      G  
Is a love I can be sure of 
E7sus4      E7         Am    E/B     Am  
So tell me now, and I won't ask again   
F                  G            C            Am 
Will you still love me tomorrow 
F                  G            C            Am 
Will you still love me tomorrow 

C       Am       C       Am      C 

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