
Two tears


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Two tears

Written by Isaac Hanson/Taylor Hanson/Zachary Hanson

	  		Intro: C  G  F 
I'm sorry if I made you cry  
I'm sorry if tears fell from your eyes  
I'm sorry if I hurt you  
For that was not at all what I intended to do  
Am  G  F 
But just remember  
For every tear that falls from your eyes 
                    C  G  F 
Two tears fall from mine  
I never wanted to hurt you baby  
I never wanted those tears to fall  
I never wanted to make you cry  
I guess I should have taken a little more time.  
For every tear that you cry  
Two tears fall from mine  
For every tear that you cry  
Two tears fall from mine  
For every tear that you cry  
For every tear that you cry  
Two tears fall from mine  


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