
Poison Ivy



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Poison Ivy

Written by I. Hanson / T. Hanson / Z. Hanson

	  		{Intro:} C C4 C Bb 
     C        C4     C  Bb 
She comes on like a rose 
    C           C4 C Bb 
But everybody knows 
  C                C4  C Bb 
She'll get you in touch 
You can look but you'd better not touch 
       Am          Em 
Poison Ivy, Poison Ivy 
Late at night when your sleeping 
       D		      Am  G 
Poison Ivy comes a creeping around 
She's pretty as a daisy 
But look out man she's crazy 
She'll really reel you in 
If you let her get under your skin 
Measles makes you mumpy and mumps will make you lumpy 
And chicken pox will make you jump and twitch 
A common cold will fool ya and whooping coughs will cool ya 
But poison ivy loves to make you itch 
Your gonna need an ocean 
Of calamine lotion 
You'll be scratching like a hound 
The minute you start to mess around 
Contribuição: Sidney Ferreira([email protected]) 

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