Sufjan Stevens

We Are What You Say

Sufjan Stevens

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We Are What You Say

Written by Sufjan Stevens

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Intro - Recorder Em G Bm Em e|---------------------------|--------------------------------| B|---------------------------|--------------------------------| G|---0---0---2------4--------|-----------2-----0--------------| D|---2---2---2------5--------|---4---4---4-----2--------------| A|---------------------------|---2---2------------------------| X4 E|---0--------------3--------|-----------------0--------------|

Verse 1:

Em G Bm Em We are a servant, we have a song Em G Bm Em The side of a beehive, a tabernacle choir Em G Bm Em We are the sound working in wars Em G Bm Em The bishop is gone to the acolyte shores
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Interlude Em G Bm Em e|---------------------------|--------------------------------| B|---------------------------|--------------------------------| G|---0---0---2------4--------|-----------2-----0--------------| D|---2---2---2------5--------|---4---4---4-----2--------------| A|---------------------------|---2---2------------------------| X4 E|---0--------------3--------|-----------------0--------------|

Verse 2:

Em G Bm Em We save our Bibles, we pull our sleeves Em G Bm Em The word is a guard and the guard is a cleave Em G Bm Em We are the right, we are the stay Em G Bm Em Em G The accolade's gone, we are what you will say Bm Em We are what you will say Bm Em Em Bm We are what you will say
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Interlude Em G Bm Em e|---------------------------|--------------------------------| B|---------------------------|--------------------------------| G|---0---0---2------4--------|-----------2-----0--------------| D|---2---2---2------5--------|---4---4---4-----2--------------| A|---------------------------|---2---2------------------------| X4 E|---0--------------3--------|-----------------0--------------|

Verse 3:

Em G Bm Em We have no language, we have no chore Em G Bm Em The side of a beehive, the bride is a whore Em G Bm Em We are a spite, we are at bay Em G Bm Em The spirit is life, we are what you say

Verse 4:

Em G Bm Em We have a sermon, we have a song Em G Bm Em The bishop is easy, the bishop is wrong Em G Bm Em The spirit is right, the spirit will say Em G Bm Em We are a light, we are what you say Bm Em We are what you will say Bm Em Bm Em We are what you will say Bm Em Bm Em We are what you will say Bm Em Bm Em We are what you will say Bm Em Bm Em We are what you will say
Outro - a coda ||: Em D C Em Em D Bm Em :||

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