Ray Charles

Unchain My Heart

Ray Charles

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Unchain My Heart

Written by Robert L Sharp, Teddy Powell

	  		Am				Am 
Unchain my heart, baby let me be  
Am		Dm				Am 
Unchain my heart 'cause you don't care about me  
Dm					Am 
You've got me sewed up like a pillow case  
Dm				Am 
but you let my love go to waste so  
F7	    E				   Am 
Unchain my heart, oh please, please set me free  
Am				Am 
Unchain my heart, baby let me go  
Am		Dm				Am 
Unchain my heart, 'cause you don't love me no more  
Dm				Am 
Ev'ry time I call you on the phone  
Dm					Am 
Some fella tells me that you're not at home so  
F7	   E				Am 
Unchain my heart, oh please, please set me free  
Dm					Am 
I'm under your spell like a man in a trance  
		Dm				E7	 
But I know darn well, that I don't stand a chance so  
Am				Am 
Unchain my heart, let me go my way  
Am		Dm				Am 
Unchain my heart, you worry me night and day  
Dm				Am 
Why lead me through a life of misery  
Dm				Am 
when you don't care a bag of beans for me  
F7	       E			     Am
So unchain my heart, oh please, please set me free  
sax solo  
Cm					Am 
I'm under your spell like a man in a trance  
		Dm				E7	 
But I know darn well, that I don't stand a chance so  
Am				Am 
Unchain my heart, let me go my way  
Am		Dm				Am 
Unchain my heart, you worry me night and day  
Dm				Am 
Why lead me through a life of misery  
Dm				Am 
when you don't care a bag of beans for me  
   F7	       E			      Am
So unchain my heart, oh please, please set me free  
E		Am	Dm 
(please set me free)  
E		Am	Dm 
Oh won't you set me free  
E		Am	Dm 
(please set me free)  
E		Am	Dm 
Woah, set me free  
E		Am	Dm 
(please set me free)  
E		Am	Dm 
Woowow, set me free little darlin  
E		Am	Dm 
(please set me free)  
E		Am	Dm 
Oh won't you set me free 

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