
Last Words Of A Shooting Star


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Last Words Of A Shooting Star

Written by Mitski


Verse 1:

D F# All of this turbulence wasn't forecasted G A Apologies from the intercom D F# And I am relieved that I'd left my room Tidy G They'll think of me kindly A D When they come for my things G F# They'll never know how I'd stared at the E Dark in that room With no thoughts D# Like a blood-sniffing shark G Bm And while my dreams made music in the night G Carefully A D I was going to live

Verse 2:

D F# You wouldn't leave till we loved in the Morning G A You'd learned from movies how love ought to Be D F# And you'd say you love me and look in my Eyes G But I know through mine you were A D Looking in yours G F# And did you know the liberty bell is a Replica E D# Silently housed in its original walls G Bm And while its dreams played music in the Night G Quietly A D It was told to believe

Verse 3:

D F# I always wanted to die clean and pretty G D A But I'd be too busy on working days D F# So I am relieved that the turbulence wasn't G Forecasted A D I couldn't have changed anyways G F# I am relieved that I'd left my room tidy E7 D# D Goodbye

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