Michael Card

So many books

Michael Card

chords Intermediate intermediate

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So many books

Year: 1994 -

	  		  A   D2     E  F#m     D   A      E     D  
    A   D2     E  F#m     D   A      E  
|:                                            :|  
A		      D  
There is a hunger, a longing for bread  
    E                          A        E/G#  
And so comes the call for the poor to be fed  
     F#m7                Bm7  
More hungry by far are a billion and more  
     D             A           E           A  D A 
Who wait for the Bread of the Word of the Lord  

A D E F#m D A D E So many books, so little time, so many hunger, so many blind A E F#m Starving for words, they must wait in the night D A E A To open a Bible and move towards the Light
A D2 E F#m D A E A D There'll come a time, the prophets would say E A E/G# When the joy of mankind will be withered away F#m Bm7 A want not for water, but a hunger for more D A E A D A A famine for hearing the Word of the Lord
A D E F#m D A D E So many books, so little time, so many hunger, so many blind A E F#m Starving for words, they must wait in the night D A E F#m To open a Bible and move towards the Light
D A E A Open a Bible and move towards the Light D A/C# The Word won't go out, except it return F#m E Full, over flowing and so we must learn Solo A D E F#m D A E D A D E F#m D A E A D A
N.C D A D E So many books, so little time, so many hunger, so many blind A E F#m Starving for words, they must wait in the night D A E F#m To open a Bible and move towards the Light
D A E F#m To open a Bible and move towards the Light D A E A Open a Bible and move towards the Light A D E F#m D A E D A D E F#m D A E A

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