Wake Owl


Wake Owl

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Written by Cameron Colyn

Key:  Am More
Gold Key EmEm
Gold Key FmFm
Gold Key F#mF#m
Gold Key GmGm(one step down)
Gold Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Gold Key AmAm(original key)
Gold Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Gold Key BmBm(one step up)
Gold Key CmCm
Gold Key C#mC#m
Gold Key DmDm
Gold Key D#mD#m
	  		== Verse == 

Am                   C          G6/D              Am 
So, didn't you find love or salvation in what they do 

Am                    C                        G6/D 
A heart is built of gold, they fairies they are too, its in the hands you 
Am                   C                     G6/D                          Am (begin to  
fade into strumming if you picked it before) 
how long can we ignore, we build a little more, and then we break our truth 

F                 Am       G6              Am 
Ooooooooohooohooohooooooo, Oooooooohooohooohooooooo 

F                 Am       G6              F (or again Am if you like to) 
Ooooooooohooohooohooooooo, Oooooooohooohooohooooooo 

F C/G major G6 Am I don't feel like I'm falling up against the sky F C G6 Am I said I'd taken it all in to make the good life F C/G major G6 Am I don't feel like I'm falling up against the sky F C G6 Am (interlude, not sure) let's grab the heart of the world and turn into the light
== Verse == But I cannot turn around, the angels hear me now, go where i'm bound. You smile like you know the new world has been found F Am G6 Am Ooooooooohooohooohooooooo, Oooooooohooohooohooooooo F Am G6 F (or Am) Ooooooooohooohooohooooooo, Oooooooohooohooohooooooo
I don't feel like I'm falling up against the sky, I said I'd taken it all in to make the good life. I don't feel like I'm falling up against the sky, let's grab the heart of the world and turn into the light I don't feel like I'm falling up gainst the sky, let's grab the heart of the world and turn into the light.
Not perfect but appropriate I hope. I am not too good in seeing how people play their songs :). Have fun!
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