Tyler Farr

Damn Good Friends

Tyler Farr

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Damn Good Friends

Written by Brent Anderson/Chris Dubois/Neil Medley


Intro: G,D,Em7,Cadd9 x1 

verse 1: 

You're drivin' back home down 246 
You almost hit a deer and you end up in a ditch 
You can't pull forward and you can't back out 
You're sittin' there thinkin' whatcha gonna do now 
You'd be a little nervous if a cop showed up 
'Cause you drank a little maybe just a little too much 
Waitin' on a tow truck takes too long 
It's two in the mornin'   who you gonna call 

G D Friends damn good friends Em7 Seven minutes later they're pullin' you out Cadd9 You know the ones I'm talkin' about G D Friends damn good friends Em7 You can count 'em all on one of your hands Cadd9 You got a hundred buddies G D A couple of damn good friends
verse 2: G So you're all shootin' pool on a Saturday night D This little brunette keeps givin' you the eye Em7 So you buy her a drink, before too long Cadd9 You're out on the floor in the middle of a song G About that time her ex shows up D He's starin' you down gettin' all bowed up Em7 He's a big ol' jacked up S.O.B Cadd9 That's alright he's about to meet your
G D Friends damn good friends Em7 A few seconds later he's startin' to see Cadd9 It ain't one on one it's one on three G D Friends damn good friends Em7 They do it for you 'cause you'd do it for them Cadd9 You got a hundred buddies G D Em7 Cadd9 But a couple of damn good friends
Solo verse 3: G They're there even when you don't see 'em as much D Cause you moved away or you fell in love Em7 But they're wearin' a tux when you're sayin' your vows Cadd9 And if you crash and burn you can crash on their couch Breakdown Chorus: G D Friends damn good friends Em7 They love you like a brother there ain't no doubt Cadd9 You know the ones I'm talkin' about G D Friends damn good friends Em7 You can count 'em all on one of your hands Cadd9 You got a hundred buddies G D And a couple of damn good friends Em7 Cadd9 Oh, damn good friends
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