The Monkees

I'm a Believer

The Monkees

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I'm a Believer

Written by Diamond Neil Leslie

	  		I(G) thought love was o(D)nly true in f(G)airy tales. 
M(G)eant for someone e(D)lse but not for (G)me. 
L(C)ove was out to g(G)et me;  
T(C)hat's the way it s(G)eemed; 
D(C)isappointment h(G)aunted all my d(D)reams   
Then I saw her f(G)ace (C G) Now I'm a beli(G)ever (C G) Not a tr(G)ace (C G) of doubt in my m(G)ind (C G) I'm in l(G)o---(C)ve; I'm a beli(G)ever, I couldn't le(F)ave her if I t(D7)ried.
I thought love was more or less a givin' thing It seems the more I gave the less I got What's the use in tryin' All you get is pain When I needed sunshine I got rain. Chorus
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