The Band

All La Glory

The Band

ukulele Easy easy


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All La Glory

Written by Robbie Robertson

	  		D             Bm7           Em7 
 I wanna hear pitter patter 
      G      A           D 
Climb up your ladder now 
Bm7            Em7               A 
 It's time for you to dream away, 
G                  Bm 
 For what a big day you've been through. 
Gm7/Bb                                            F#m          D 
 You've done all the things that you wanted to do. 
    D/C#          G     D             G 
 All la       glory, I'm second story, 
D    A      G D      A  
 Feel so tall like a prison wall. 

I'm lookin' for a star bright 
To shine down your light now 
And keep the little one safe and warm, 
'Cause to her it's just a fantasy 
And to me it's all a mystery. 
All la glory, I'm second story, 
Feel so tall like a prison wall. 

Em7                       A           A/G 
 And before the leaves all turn brown, 
F#m               Bm            Bm/A 
 Before they fall to the ground, 
G             Gm        D 
 You will find the harmony, 
Wait and see. 

Listen to the serenade, 
Little girl, promenade now. 
You've got the sunshine in your hand 
And maybe come some sweet day 
You'll walk that Milky Way. 
All la glory, I'm second story, 
Feel so tall like a prison wall, 

A      A/G     D     D/C#     Bm     G/A     D 
  That     tall.
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