Sufjan Stevens

For The Widows In Paradise For The Fatherless In Ypsilanti

Sufjan Stevens

ukulele Beginner beginner


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For The Widows In Paradise For The Fatherless In Ypsilanti

Written by Sufjan Stevens

Capo on 3rd fret
	  		The song is played on a banjo with these chords. If you want it to sound more like a 
hit more on the 4 high strings (EBGD) and try to stay away from the lows. To give it an 
further banjo-y sound drop the high E to a D and play as if it is a banjo, with banjo  
Good luck and enjoy. 


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Am - F - C - G E|--0-----1-----0-----3--| B|--1-----1-----1-----3--| G|--2-----2-----0-----0--| D|--2-----3-----2-----0--| A|--0-----3-----3-----2--| E|--0-----1-----0-----3--|
Am F C G I have called you children, I have called you son Am F C G What is their to answer if I'm the only one Am F C G Mourning comes in paradise, morning comes in light Am F C G Still I must obey, still I must invite
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