Steve Ronsen


Steve Ronsen

ukulele Easy easy


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Written by Steve Ronsen

Key:  Em More
Almost Key BmBm
Almost Key CmCm
Almost Key C#mC#m
Almost Key DmDm(one step down)
Almost Key D#mD#m(half step down)
Almost Key EmEm(original key)
Almost Key FmFm(half step up)
Almost Key F#mF#m(one step up)
Almost Key GmGm
Almost Key G#mG#m
Almost Key AmAm
Almost Key A#mA#m
Em    D    G         C     G      D 
Can you see? That I almost home 
    Em  D   G                  C    G   D 
And I can feel that I been gone too long 

C                   G                     D 
Cause every time I here, you always there 
Sometime this life it isn fair 
          C                 G            D 
Then you take me back just to let me go The simple truth is 
                 C                D                      G D C D   G D C D 
I never know if-were done But almost is better than none 

Em   D  G           C  G    D 
 Far away But it oh so near 
Em   D   G              C     G    D 
Lots of space But we can stay clear.. 

 C               G                      D 
And every time I here, you always there 
Sometime this life isn fair 
        C                 G            D 
So you take me back just to let me go The simple truth is 
                  C              D                      G  D C D   G D C D 
I never know if-were done But almost is better than none 

Em    D     Bm 
Hey Were wrong 
C					   G           D 
Cause you just can learn a lesson with denying and digressing and 
    Em    D   Bm 
You Say Hold on 
 C                                       D 
Cause where almost where we almost wanna be 

     C                         G 
And every time in here, your almost there 
     D                      G 
You let me know you really care 
        C                  G 
When I let you go and you take me back 
     D                        G 
You know sometimes I go off track 
C                        G 
So you take me back and you let me know 
       D                       C         D                     C    
It never easy when I go and run But almost is better than none  
Repete: And every time in here, your almost 

G D C D 
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