Scotty Emerick

I Can't Take You Anywhere

Scotty Emerick

ukulele Beginner beginner

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I Can't Take You Anywhere

Capo on 3rd fret

Intro - D - Bm - Em7 - A - D - Bm - Em7 - A 
(verse 1) 
              D                Bm 
You've been a part of my life, so very long, 
It's hard for me to believe sometimes,  
That you're really gone, 
I tuck your memory away, 
In my special hiding place, 
   Em7                     A 
So no one can tell by the look on my face, 
That you're still in my heart, 
   D                 G                 A 
Always on my mind, a part of my every day, 
(verse 2) 
      D                      Bm 
Well just last night, I went out for a bite, 
Em7                             A 
Not tryin to have fun, with ya, on I might, 
               D                 Bm 
But even the laughter, it wasn't much of a break, 
       Em7                          A 
Cause right in the middle of my strawberry shake, 
       Em7                   Bm         D 
Bobbie Jo walked in, with a couple of friends, 
And said, hey man have you seen her at all, 
Like where she'd been, and it, 
D Bm Struck a nerve and it, hit a vein, G You'd think from all the tears I cried, A This brokin hearted pain, D I wouldn't have to, carry you around with me, Bm Em7 But it seems like everywhere I go, A G Somebody wants to know, where've you been, Bm Em7 Are you commin back again, I swear, A D - Bm - Em7 - A I can't take you anywhere,
(verse 3) D Bm So I left alone, I just headed on home, Em7 A As I listen to the messages on my telephone, D There was one from my sister, Bm And one from an old friend, G (hey man I drove by your house tonight dude) A You wasn't in, (bridge) Em7 Bm D Just checkin up on you boy, I hope you're doin alright, G A Oh by the way man I seen her last night, and it, (chorus) D Bm Struck a nerve and it, hit a vein, G You'd think from all the tears I cried, A This brokin hearted pain, D I wouldn't have to, carry you around with me, Bm Em7 But it seems like everywhere I go, A G Somebody wants to know, where've you been, Bm Em7 Are you commin back again, I swear, A G - Bm I can't take you anywhere, Em7 Oh baby I swear, A D - Bm I can't take you anywhere, Em7 A D Bm - Em7 - A no,no,no,no,no,no, I can't take you anywhere baby, Outro - D - Bm - Em7 - A
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