


ukulele Expert expert

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{ D A G F (x2) } 
A            C G                D              C  
a fire from the sky rains brimstone from above (no god no truce) 
a whole world implosion got too close to the sun (no god no truce) 
veins of power struggle explode into a bloody mess (no god no truce) 
rupturing the nation's core, bursting from the stress (no god no truce) 
{ D F# E F (x2) } 
A               C G                 D                  C  
the atheists get in line await the coming destruction (no god no truce) 
religious dogma corrupted and curruptor (no god no truce)  
with a man made of sin leads a full scale invasion (no god no truce)  
drains the life from the skins abrasion (no god no truce)  
{ D D# E F (x2) } 
A             C G         D                C  
no restoring order in a full scale attack (no god no truce)  
there's no fucking vision, there's no voice it's all black (no god no truce)  
and then you break down with a villainous call (no god no truce) 
puss bleeding profusely from the city walls (no god no truce) 
{ D A G F (x2) } 
{ D F# E F (x2) } 
{ D D# E F (x2) } 
Contribuição: Rodrigo Argôlo([email protected]) 

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