Phillip Phillips


Phillip Phillips

ukulele Easy easy


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Key:  C#m More
Beggin' Key G#mG#m
Beggin' Key AmAm
Beggin' Key A#mA#m
Beggin' Key BmBm(one step down)
Beggin' Key CmCm(half step down)
Beggin' Key C#mC#m(original key)
Beggin' Key DmDm(half step up)
Beggin' Key D#mD#m(one step up)
Beggin' Key EmEm
Beggin' Key FmFm
Beggin' Key F#mF#m
Beggin' Key GmGm

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E|-------------------------------| B|-------------------------------| G|------2--------2--------2------| D|-------------------------------| A|----2---2----2---2----2---2----| E|--0-------3---------0----------|
( Dm ) Dm Bb G Beggin, beggin you A7 Put your loving hand out baby Dm Bb G Beggin, beggin you A7 Put your loving hand out darling

Verse 1:

Dm Bb G Ridin' high, when I was king A7 Dm Played it hard and fast, 'cause I had everything Bb G Walked away, wonderin' then A7 But easy come and easy go and it would end
Dm Bb G Beggin, beggin you A7 Put your loving hand out baby Dm Bb G Beggin, beggin you A7 Put your loving hand out darling

Verse 2:

Dm Bb I need you, to understand G A7 Tried so hard to be your man Dm Bb The kind of man you want in the end G A7 Only then can I begin to live again

Verse 3:

Dm Bb An empty shell G I used to be A7 Shadow of my life was hangin over me

Verse 4:

Dm Bb A broken man G That I don't know A7 Will leave it standing, devil's dance with my soul
Dm Bb G Beggin, beggin you A7 Put your loving hand out baby Dm Bb G Beggin, beggin you A7 Put your loving hand out darling


Dm Bb I'm fighting hard to hold my own G A7 Just can't make it all alone Dm Bb I'm holdin' on, I can't fall back G A7 Now that big brass ring is a shade of black Dm Bb G Beggin, you A7 Put your loving hand out Dm Bb G Beggin, beggin you A7 no, C'mon, C'mon, C'mon, ohhhhh
Dm Bb G Beggin, beggin you A7 Put your loving hand out oh oh Dm Bb G Beggin, beggin you A7 Put your loving hand out darling
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