Phil Wickham

At Your Name

Phil Wickham

ukulele Expert expert


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At Your Name

Written by Phil Wickham

	  		A                                     F#m  
At Your Name, the mountains shake and crumble     
A                                 F#m              
At Your Name, the oceans roar and tumble     
         E                F#m                  D4     
At Your Name, angles will bow the earth will rejoice     
Your people cry out     

A Lord of all the earth we shout Your Name, shout Your Name F#m Filling up the skies with endless praise, endless praise E Yahweh, Yahweh D4 we love to shout Your Name A oh Lord
Verse 2: A F#m At Your Name, the morning breaks in glory A F#m At Your Name, creation sings Your story E F#m D At Your Name, angles will bow the earth will rejoice E Your people cry out
A Lord of all the earth we shout Your Name, shout Your Name F#m Filling up the skies with endless praise, endless praise E Yahweh, Yahweh D4 we love to shout Your Name A oh Lord
Bridge: E There is no one like our God F#m D we will praise You, praise You E There is no one like our God A we will sing, we will sing (4x)
A Lord of all the earth we shout Your Name, shout Your Name F#m Filling up the skies with endless praise, endless praise E Yahweh, Yahweh D4 we love to shout Your Name A oh Lord (3x)
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