Merle Haggard

Shelly's Winter Love

Merle Haggard


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Shelly's Winter Love

  A             D               A 
I know I'm only Shelly's winter love 
                  D               A 
She only seems to need me now and then 
                D               A 
I know I'm only Shelly's winter love 
                          E                 A 
But she's mine alone 'til springtime comes again 
     A                   D                   A 
When springtime comes, I know that she'll be leaving 
                                 D                A 
When those friends of hers start calling her from town 
                     D               A 
So I live in wait for Shelly's winter season 
                          E              A 
When her troubled moments bring her back around 
A   D   A   F 
Steel solo 
     Bb               Eb                   Bb 
When Shelly's painted world turns cold and stormy 
                        Eb           Bb 
It's then she finds the need to come around 
                          Eb               Bb 
To these arms of mine she knows are always waiting 
                               F                 Bb 
But she'll leave when love has thawed the winter ground 
  Bb            Eb              Bb  
I know I'm only Shelly's winter love 
                  Eb              Bb 
She only seems to need me now and then 
                Eb              Bb 
I know I'm only Shelly's winter love 
                          F                 Bb      Eb   Bb    
But she's mine alone 'til springtime comes again  
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