Lacey Sturm

Run To You

Lacey Sturm

ukulele Easy easy


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Run To You

Intro: Dm C Bb F (x2) 

verse 1 

     Dm             C              Bb    F 
You tell me I'm the one holding you back 
     Dm              C               Bb    F 
And something about how far we're off track 
     Dm                  C                     F 
Well all I hear is your heart beat loud and strong 
    Dm               C            F 
And I just want to wrap you in my arms 

Dm Bb F C But I'll let you go-o-o-o, if that's what you want Dm C F But I hope you know my love won't stop Dm Bb F C You say it's not true... and you call me a fool Dm C F But call out my name, I'll run to you
verse 2 Dm C Bb F I know you, I know your eyes so well Dm C Bb F And I know you're not sure of yourself Dm C F But something made you restless years ago Dm C F 'Til you forgot that I'm part of your soul
Dm Bb F C But I'll let you go-o-o-o, if that's what you want Dm C F But I hope you know my love won't stop Dm Bb F C You say it's not true... and you call me a fool Dm C F But call out my name, I'll run to you
Bridge Dm C Bb Dm C I've always believed in you Bb You used to believe in me too Dm C Remember the day that you turned away Bb It killed me to lose you Dm C F It killed me to lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ose you
Dm Bb F But I'll let you go......, if that's what you want Dm C F But I hope you know my love won't stop Dm Bb F C You say it's not true... and you call me a fool Dm C F But call out my name, I'll run to you
Ending Dm Bb F I'll run to you, I'll run to you, I'll run to you C Dm I've always believed in you Bb F I'll run to you, I'll run to you C And 'cause I love you Dm Bb I'll let you go, I'll let you go F C If that's what you want Dm But I hope you know C F My love won't stop
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