Hoodie Allen

Two Lips

Hoodie Allen

ukulele Easy easy


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Two Lips

Key:  Em More
Two Lips Key BmBm
Two Lips Key CmCm
Two Lips Key C#mC#m
Two Lips Key DmDm(one step down)
Two Lips Key D#mD#m(half step down)
Two Lips Key EmEm(original key)
Two Lips Key FmFm(half step up)
Two Lips Key F#mF#m(one step up)
Two Lips Key GmGm
Two Lips Key G#mG#m
Two Lips Key AmAm
Two Lips Key A#mA#m

verse 1: 
Sleeping in my bed at night 
Tell her, turn the lights down low 
Trying to figure out my mind 
She always wonder where I go. 
Em                            C 
Tell her, Good music, coming home with a pocket full of tulips. 
She want to point a finger at me, no excuses. 
Trying end up in that pussy like two lips. 

She want it off, my head. 
Want it off, my head, my head 
Can we both, forget 
Baby I don't know. 
Want me more or less 
Want me more or less, or less 
Is it all for sex? 
Baby, I hope so. 

So tell me what you want, what you really really want. 
C                                                        G 
I ain't got time, if you think that you're in love, with me. 
So tell me what you want from me. oh 
I ain't got time, if you really wanna fuck. 
         C                                                   G 
You're bitching all the time, that you never get enough from me. 
So tell me what you want from me. ohh 

(Continues to repeat the same pattern from there on out.) 

verse 2: 
Sitting in the hotel lobby 
You never get me off my phone 
Treat me like a paparazzi 
I show up then I got to go. 
Make good music, 
Everybody that I'm meeting is a doofus. 
They try to point an arrow at me like cupid 
I want to end up in that pussy like two lips. 

She want it off, my head. 
Want it off, my head, my head 
Can we both, forget 
Baby I don't know. 
Want me more or less 
Want me more or less, or less 
Is it all for sex? 
Baby, I hope so. 

So tell me what you want, what you really really want. 
I ain't got time, if you think that you're in love, with me. 
So tell me what you want from me. oh 
I ain't got time, if you really wanna fuck. 
You're bitching all the time, that you never get enough from me. 
So tell me what you want from me. ohh 

verse 3: OCD: Moosh and Twist 
I say 
Whatcha want from me, 
You want a college guy? 
A little yes man who like to work from nine to five 
I ain't trippin' because I know you make a lot of dough 
But I might see you on the tour ? girl you never know. 
When I ain't even mad at you 
You get what you had to do. 
Heard you go to Georgia Tech 
Well I go to Salvage U ? 
Said you never heard me 
Turn around and get me dirty 
I would of got you a drink 

If I knew you were gonna be thirsty. 
Worlds heavy on me now 
Feel like I can't move all. 
And when I got it down, 
I feel like I'm a lose it all 
Everyday feel like the worst day ever 
When I'm with you girl 
It feel like my birthday, never. 
I mean, tell me why I really want you right now? 
I wanna love you but all you wanna do is fight now. 
Tell me how its practice girl, you need practice girl. 
You about to make me bounce like a mattress girl. 

So tell me what you want, what you really really want. 
I ain't got time, if you think that you're in love, with me. 
So tell me what you want from me. oh 
I ain't got time, if you really wanna fuck. 
You're bitching all the time, that you never get enough from me. 
So tell me what you want from me. ohh 

Girl, we can get it on tonight. 
If you do that little thing I like. 
I don't want to fall in love 
Because I'm only here for the night 

Girl, we can get it on tonight. 
If you do that little thing I like. 
I don't want to fall in love 
Because I'm only here for the night 
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