Tears On Tape


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Tears On Tape


Intro: A  E  F#m  E  D  E  F#m  E (2x) 

Church bells toll 
Thunder roars around me 
D                      A       E 
I ve been warned to prepare myself 
 For the fall 

     A             D 
 I m armed to the teeth with tender pain 
 F#m           E 
 Of all yesterdays 

 A         E 
 Tears on tape 
        F#m    E          D 
 I will follow into your heart 
            E        F#m    E 
 Sketching rain from afar 

 A         E 
 Tears on tape 
        F#m     E        D  
She surrenders needle in arm 
           E              F#m    E  
 While we dance into the storm 

 Darkness falls 
  F#m                             D 
 Settling the score with love for once and for all 
 A           E     F#m 
 Soaked in blood I cry 
    A               D 
 I fear we re lost to the summer rain 
 F#m          E  
Lonely and afraid 

 A         E 
 Tears on tape 
        F#m    E          D 
 I will follow into your heart 
            E        F#m    E 
 Sketching rain from afar 

 A         E 
 Tears on tape 
        F#m     E        D  
She surrenders needle in arm 
           E              F#m    E  
 While we dance into the storm 

   E                         D   E  F#m 
 And for a moment there s no pain 
        E                 D  E     F#m 
 For once there s no more pain in your eyes 
  E              D  E        F#m    E 
 And maybe we ll love, just enough 
        D              E           A 
 To convince us to keep breathing on 

Intro: A  E  F#m  E  D  E  F#m  E  

 A         E 
 Tears on tape 
F#m         E 
 Tears on tape 
         D     E          F#m  E 
 I will follow into your heart 

  A        E 
 Tears on tape 
F#m        E 
 Tears on tape 
         D      E            A 
 I will follow you, to your arms  
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