Hillsong Live

The Lost Are Found

Hillsong Live

ukulele Beginner beginner

by  FER_G12_89

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The Lost Are Found

Year: 2011 -

	  		Intro: G#m  E  B  D#m (4x)  

Verse 1: 
      E            B   D#m  
While earthly ages fade  
In mercy  
    E                B     D#m  
Our God Your kingdom reigns  

C#m7 G#m Lord over everything B D#m You are near C#m7 G#m All of the universe E G#m E B D#m (2x) Is at Your feet
Verse 2: G#m In the Savior E B D#m Injustice brought to right G#m For your glory E B D#m That your name be lifted high
C#m7 G#m Lord over everything B D#m You are near C#m7 G#m All of the universe E Is at Your feet (2x)
Instrumental: B C#m7 G#m E B C#m7 G#m E Bridge: B The lost are found C#m7 The blind will see G#m The lame will walk E The dead will live B And You our God C#m7 G#m E Forever You will reign
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