Hillsong Live

Beautiful Exchange

Hillsong Live

ukulele Beginner beginner

by  FER_G12_89

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Beautiful Exchange

Written by Hillsong Live

	  		Intro: D  Bm  D/F#  G  D (3x)  
Tab intro: 

(Verse 1)  
          Bm                    D/F#      
You were near though I was distant  
      G                         D  
Desilusioned I was lost and insecure  
              Bm               D/F#  
Still mercy faught for my intention  
            G                                 Bm  D/F#  G  D  
You were waiting at the door, then I let You in  

(Verse 2)  
            Bm            D/F#              G  
Trading Your life for my offenses for my redemption  
                     D                 Bm              D/F#  
You carried all the blame breaking the curse of our condition  
perfection took our place  

      Bm   D/F#       G      D           
When only love could make a way  
    Bm        D/F#       G  
You gave Your life In a beautiful exchange  

(Verse 3)  
My burden erased, my life forgiven  
There is nothing that could take this love away  
And my only desire, and my sold ambition  
is to love You just the same  

      Bm   D/F#       G      D           
When only love could make a way  
    Bm        D/F#       G  
You gave Your life In a beautiful exchange  

      Bm   D/F#       G           D  
When only love could break these chains  
    Bm         D/F#       G          
You gave Your life In a beautiful exchange  

A            G   Bm            D/F#  
Holy are You God, Holy is Your name  
A                     G     A      Bm  
with everything i've got my heart will sing  
How I love You  

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