Gary Allan

Guys Like Me

Gary Allan


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Guys Like Me

Written by Trent Summar

	  		Intro: G  C  D  G 
Verse 1: 
             G                           D 
Well there's no more smokey bars in California 
There ain't no wild life left in Tennessee 
But I keep on livin' every song I'm singing 
And they're tryin' to put an end to guys like me 
Verse 2: 
All that's left in Bakersfield is a jukebox 
And it's haunted by old songs and memories 
It's getting hard to find a place to play my guitar 
And they're tryin' to put an end to guys like me 
Em G I'd like to find a place where love surrounds me Em G Some town where they don't mind me hangin' around C A place where life don't move too fast G And what you are is not a thing of the past A7 D Where you can land your dreams on solid ground
Verse 3: Well I'm sittin' on a barstool down on Broadway Waitin' for my turn to sing my dreams I'm just a California boy with my old guitar And they're tryin' to put an end to guys like me Solo: G G D D D D G G G G D D D D G G REPEAT CHORUS REPEAT VERSE 3 D G Yeah they're tryin' to put an end to guys like me G C D G
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