
A Knife In The Ocean


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A Knife In The Ocean

Written by Foals


Bm (It sounds nice to arpeggio this during the intro) 
When I come to walk the line 
The fire may come, but we'll be just fine 
When I go to walk the line 
The fire, it will come but we'll be just fine 

Bm E Bm 
D  A Bm 

verse 1 

Mouth of the ocean, be well spoken 
A                  D 
Watch your P's and Q's 
Now that we're older, the future is colder 
A                    D 
But what is there to do? 

I'll walk the line, I'll be just fine 
A                     D 
I'll be right back on time 
The fire is coming, but we'll outrun it 
A              D 
We'll never be undone 

Bm  A   D 
Bm  A   D 

E (play the E short here and at the end of the lines)  

D E Fm E What came of the things we once believed? D E Fm E Oh, all lost to the depths of a hungry sea D E Fm E Oh, what came of the things we once believed? D E Fm E Oh, all lost to the depths of a hungry sea
Bm A D Bm A D verse 2 Bm And now our parents are long departed A D Who can finish the songs they started? Bm Bodies are broken, but it's just a token A D Of what is surely to come Bm Unstitch the suture, please pause the future A D So I can collect my things Bm The fire is coming, but we'll outrun it A D We'll never be undone E (again, just play this short as the Chorus kicks in)
D E Fm E What came of the things we once believed? D E Fm E Oh, all lost to the depths of a hungry sea D E Fm E Oh, what came of the things we once believed? D E Fm E Oh, all lost to the depths of a hungry sea
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