Elliot Greer


Elliot Greer

ukulele Easy easy


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Written by Elliot Greer

Key:  G More
Bleed Key DD
Bleed Key D#D#
Bleed Key EE
Bleed Key FF(one step down)
Bleed Key F#F#(half step down)
Bleed Key GG(original key)
Bleed Key G#G#(half step up)
Bleed Key AA(one step up)
Bleed Key A#A#
Bleed Key BB
Bleed Key CC
Bleed Key C#C#

Verse 1:

Em I've been down this road G A couple times before D Am7 Had my ass handed to me but I'm back for more Em Bruised and underfed G Sick in the head D Am7 Living off every damn word she's ever said


C Em Now I'm swervin' down the interstate D Am7 Trying hard to loose all my past mistakes C Em D Never once did I believe in fate until I saw her face
C G She's like a soft pale light D Em Holdin' my attention through a starless night C G D4 D Like a junkie she's the only thing that's on my mind C G I'vе seen how cruel this world can be Em D Yet I gеt born again when she's next to me C G D4 D I'll bleed, I'll bleed to be everything she ever needs

Verse 2:

Em G I'm a wannabe, and that ain't modesty D Am7 What she sees in me transcends destiny Em She resurrects my soul G It's somethin' biblical D Am7 Only she can make Mondays feel spiritual


C Em Now I'm burned and tryna keep it straight D Fightin' every urge that Am7 Waits for me to break C Em D Never once did I have any faith until I saw her face
C G She's like a soft pale light D Em Holdin' my attention through a starless night C G D4 D Like a junkie she's the only thing that's on my mind C G I'vе seen how cruel this world can be Em D Yet I gеt born again when she's next to me C G D4 D I'll bleed, I'll bleed to be everything she ever needs C G D4 D I'll bleed, I'll bleed to be everything she ever needs


C I'm high strung out on her tonight D Deadbeat, she makes me wanna try C D4 D Depressed, she's keepin' me alive
C G She's like a soft pale light D Em Holdin' my attention through a starless night C G D4 D Like a junkie she's the only thing that's on my mind C G I'vе seen how cruel this world can be Em D Yet I gеt born again when she's next to me C G D4 D I'll bleed, I'll bleed to be everything she ever needs C G D4 D I'll bleed, I'll bleed to be everything she ever needs C G D I'll bleed, I'll bleed to be everything she ever needs
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