Ed Sheeran

The Joker And The Queen

Ed Sheeran

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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The Joker And The Queen

Written by ,

	  		(feat Taylor Swift)     
                      C7+                          Dm7  
How was I to know? It's a crazy thing      
                                F  G                              C7+  
I showed you my hand and you still let me win  
                               C7+                                   Dm7  
And who was I to say that this was meant to be?  
                                 F  G                     C7+  
The road that was broken brought us together  

          Am                                   Dm  
And I know you could fall for a thousand kings  
         G  G7                                      C7+  
And hearts that would give you a diamond ring  
            Am                       Dm  
When I fold, you see the best in me  
        Dm/G  G              C  
The joker and the queen  

                            C7+                                 Dm7 
I've been played before, if you hadn't guessed 
                        F       G                                C7+ 
So I kept my cards closed to my foolproof vest 
                              C7+                                          Dm7 
But you called my bluff and saw through all my tells 
                               F  G                         C7+ 
And then you went all in, and we left together 

          Am                                   Dm 
And I know you think that what makes a king 
    G  G7                       C7+ 
Is gold, a palace and diamond rings 
            Am                       Dm 
When I fold, you see the best in me 
      Dm/G  G                C7+ 
The joker and the queen 

C7+ Dm7 F G C7+ 2X 

           Am                                    Dm  
And I know you could fall for a thousand kings  
          G G7                                          C7+  
And hearts that would give you a diamond ring  
             Am                      Dm  
When I fold, you see the best in me  
         Dm/G  G           C  
The joker and the queen  
         Dm/G G           C  
The joker and the queen
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