Cold War Kids


Cold War Kids

ukulele Easy easy


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Written by Dann Gallucci/Matthew Maust/Joe Plummer/Matthew Schwartz/Nathan Willett

Key:  G More
First Key DD
First Key D#D#
First Key EE
First Key FF(one step down)
First Key F#F#(half step down)
First Key GG(original key)
First Key G#G#(half step up)
First Key AA(one step up)
First Key A#A#
First Key BB
First Key CC
First Key C#C#
	  		Intro : G D A A (x2) 

            G               D 
Cheated and lied, broken so bad 
           A              A 
You made a vow, never get mad 
             G                 D 
You play the game, though it's unfair 
                A                A 
They're all the same, who can compare? 
G                     D                     A   A 
First you lose trust, then you get worried 

            G                D 
Night after night, bar after club 
             A                    A 
Dropping like flies, who woke you up 
             G                       D 
On the front lawn, sprinklers turned on 
              A                     A 
It's not your house, where'd you go wrong? 
G                   D                   A   A 
First you get hurt, then you feel sorry 

              G                          D 
Flying like a cannonball, falling to the earth 
           A                         A 
Heavy as a feather when, you hit the dirt 
             G                      D 
How am I the lucky one?, I do not deserve 
                  A                         A 
To wait around forever when, you were there first 
G                   D                   A  A 
First you get hurt, then you feel sorry 

              G                D 
There comes a time, in a short life 
         A              A 
Turn it around, get a rewrite 
          G                  D 
Call it a dark, night of the soul 
           A                 A 
Ticking of clocks, gravity’s pull 
G                    D                     A  A 
First you get close, then you get worried 

              G                          D 
Flying like a cannonball, falling to the earth 
           A                         A 
Heavy as a feather when, you hit the dirt 
             G                      D 
How am I the lucky one?, I do not deserve 
                  A                         A 
To wait around forever when, you were there first 
G                   D                   A   A 
First you get hurt, then you feel sorry 

G                   Bm 
You're going silent,  the silent treatment 
A                     A 
It's not inviting now,  don't deny what you meant 
G               D 
You get excited, you get excited 
A                      A 
You got a feel it, oh, at least you can pretend 
G                  D 
You wanna light it, you wanna light it 
A                       A  
You wanna light it now, the candle from both ends 
G               D                A  A  
You get excited, you get excited 

F              G                          D 
Flying like a cannonball, falling to the earth 
           A                         A 
Heavy as a feather when, you hit the dirt 
             G                      D 
How am I the lucky one?, I do not deserve 
                  A                         A 
To wait around forever when, you were there first 
              G                          D 
Flying like a cannonball, falling to the earth 
           A                         A 
Heavy as a feather when, you hit the dirt 
             G                      D 
How am I the lucky one?, I do not deserve 
                  A                         A 
To wait around forever when, you were there first 

G                   D                     A  A 
First you get close, then you get worried           (x4) 

G                  D 
You wanna light it, you wanna light it 
A                      A 
You wanna light it now, the candle from both ends 
G                  D 
You wanna light it, you wanna light it 
G                      D                         A  
You wanna light it now, the candle from both ends 
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