Cody Simpson

Children Of The Ocean

Cody Simpson

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Children Of The Ocean


The children of the ocean 
            G        D 
Got their positive emotion 
  A                           G     D 
Take me to the place I wanna go 
Life ain't always easy 
          G                D 
But the simple things do please me 
          A                             G             D 
Like the way the water always seems to flow 

Could it be? 
            G            D           A 
There's a pretty little lady in the sea 
        G              D                A 
You can call me crazy but she's calling me 
      G                  D             A 
So I guess I'll have to paddle out to play 
   G     D 
I say 

Same chord progession as shown above  

The children of the ocean 
Got their positive emotion 
Take me to the place I wanna go 
Life ain't always easy 
But the simple things do please me 
Like the way the water always seems to flow 

Go and tell me your name 
Parlez-vous Francais? 
The way you move with the waves 
The tide is pulling away 
Got a million different things running through my brain 
          G                     D 
All your mermaid games got me going insane 

The children of the ocean 
Got their positive emotion 
Take me to the place I wanna go 
Life ain't always easy 
But the simple things do please me 
Like the way the water 
The way the water flows 

Could it be? 
There's a pretty little lady in the sea 
You can call me crazy but she's calling me 
So I guess I'll have to paddle out to play 
Which way would you go? 

The children of the ocean 
Got their positive emotion 
Take me to the place I wanna go 

Go and tell me your name 
Parlez-vous Francais? 
The way you move with the waves 
The tide is pulling away 
Got a million different things running through my brain 
All your mermaid games got me going insane 
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