Blue Rodeo


Blue Rodeo


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Intro: G Em  
G              Em  
This one's for sadness  
      G             Em  
And these are for pain  
     C            Am D  
And here are the words you can't get back again  
I'm holding a picture  
Of you on your lawn  
Smiling like an angel  
The fortunate one  
         Am  G    D  
But it's alright now  
Em            Bm             C  
People get through this somehow  
Am  G    D  
Alright now  
Em            Bm        C  
We will keep moving I know  
          Am            D     (G)  
If you remember, 'cause I, I do 
G Am G/B C, A Bm A/C# D, D Em D/F# G, D C, D C  
When the fever was breaking  
I was sweat-soaked and frail  
I dreamed I was Stephen Truscott  
A child in jail  
And when I awoke  
And I felt your cool breeze  
I wept like an ocean  
Sweet tears of relief  
Middle progression (x2)  
D C, D C  

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