Black Clint

Winding Down

Black Clint


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Winding Down

Intro:G  C  G   C 
        G                                                    Am 
As past times go I guess I've seen some good 
D                                                         G          
It's not always the best ones come and stay 
C                                              G 
There's a crowd that thinks there is one 
And it should 
                     F                          G                   C 
Cause they seem to spend theirs the some old way 
And they call it winding down 
        G                         F 
The six to ten crowd, smoky bars 
C                                 F 
Notes on napkins and business cards 
C                             G                     C 
Describe the days events and go on home 
And it's likely they won't drown 
          G                      F   
The price goes up and one more round 
          C                     F 
They close up all the bars downtown 
            C                       G                    C  
As the singer plays one last rip roaring song 
G                                                            Am           
It seems like the same ole motions every night 
                   D                                             G 
He wants to hear a golden oldie to take him back 
             C                       G                   Am       
And I'll play out all the emotions I can't fight 
                F                   G                           C 
Relive the tensions and hope they're on the right track 
repeat chorus: 
D                                 G 
Honky tonk heroes are turn the page  
              F                         C 
And the books are closed tonight 
                             G                      F 
Cause everybody knows you gottta leave'em up 
               G                        C 
So they'll go home feeling right 
                F                             G 
You gotta leave'em up so they'll go home 
Feeling right 

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