Billy Joe Shaver

The Real Deal

Billy Joe Shaver

ukulele Beginner beginner

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The Real Deal

	  		INTRO: G  D  G  D 
       G                       D 
With a halo of gnats around my cotton-pickin' head 
You never even listened to a single word I said 
    G                                 D 
You sit there on your pompous ass and click your fancy heels 
Contemplate another piece of art that you can steal 
            G                                    D               Bm 
Yeah you're rich and you're good-lookin' and outstanding in your field 
            G                 D 
But I'm the real deal, no you can't know how I feel 
               G               D 
'Cause I'm the real, real real deal 
      G                             D          G  D 
Ah ya bet your sweet petuti I'm the real deal 
        G                        D 
You may always be rich and I may always be poor 
You're the kind that never gets enough of wantin' more 
G                       D 
Hittin' on my friends, swingin' on my doors 
Here's a little somethin's gonna even up the score 
G                  D                Bm 
Try as you may you can't know how I feel 
               G                 D 
'Cause I'm the real deal, oh you can't know how I feel 
               G               D 
'Cause I'm the real, real real deal 
      G                             D         G  D        
Ah ya bet your sweet petuti I'm the real deal 
  G                                  D 
I used to chop that cotton sometimes leanin' on my hoe 
But we all know a hoe ain't just a hoe anymore 
    G                            D 
You educated gals are 'sposed to be so damned smart 
Sometimes you fool around and get the horse behind the cart 
      G                                   D            Bm 
I got one foot in the grave the other 'un on a 'nanner peel 
            G                D 
But I'm the real deal, I can make you young girls squeal 
               G               D 
'Cause I'm the real, real real deal 
    G                             D 
You bet your sweet petuti I'm the real deal 
INTRO out  

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