Alicia Keys

More Than We Know

Alicia Keys

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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More Than We Know

Written by Mark Batson/Latisha Hyman/Alicia Keys/Harold Lilly/Shawn Martin


Verse 1:

F# F# G G#m If I could breathe underwater G#m G#m Am A#m Every fish would walk on land A#m Am G#m G#m C# If I could fly in the sky baby C# C# F# Then wings would be on me F# F# G G#m If words could move mountains G#m G#m Am A#m If I could swim the ocean without drownin' A#m Am G#m G#m C# If there was pain without hurtin' C# C# Then the impossible has been found
F# F# G G#m 'Cause baby we can do more than we know More than we know G#m Am A#m And baby, baby, oh, Am G#m C# There's more than we know, more than we know
( C# F# )

Verse 2:

F# Yeah, yeah, if I could moonwalk on the moon F# G G#m I would glide to you baby G#m I'd go to war like a platoon G#m Am A#m I'd be right there on the front lines A#m Am G#m G#m C# No broken promises in the Promised Land C# C# Let's let freedom set us free again
F# F# G G#m 'Cause baby we can do more than we know More than we know G#m Am A#m And baby, baby, oh, Am G#m C# There's more than we know, more than we know
( C# B )


Uh, yeah, uh B A#m G#m See if we just stayed on the ground G#m A#m Then we would never see the stars A#m B And if you're too afraid to walk in faith C# Then you will never know your heart B B A#m G#m And if we just stayed on the corner G#m A#m Then we would never see the world A#m A#m 'Cause baby there's no fate that you can't create
F# F# G G#m 'Cause baby we can do more than we know More than we know G#m Am A#m And baby, baby, oh, Am G#m C# There's more than we know, more than we know F# F# G G#m 'Cause baby we can do more than we know More than we know F# If we can believe baby F# Do you believe it baby F# G G#m Do you believe in me darlin'? More than we know G#m Do you trust in me baby? G#m Am A#m When I tell you we can do it A#m Am G#m Let me show you we can do it G#m C# We can go C# More than we know Oh, oh, oh, oh F# F# G G#m More than we know Am A#m Am G#m Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo G#m Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh C# F# Hey, hey, hey, put 'em back up around F# G G#m Hey, hey, hey G#m More than we know G#m Am A#m Am G#m C# 'Cause baby we can do more than we know
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