Al Bowlly

Two Sleepy People

Al Bowlly

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Two Sleepy People

Written by Frank Loesser and Hoagy Carmichael

G       F#7  Am7          D9     D7 
Here we are, out of cigarettes 
G       G/F#       E7         C               Cdim 
Holding hands and yawning  look how late it gets 
G7M  G6    E7         C     Am7    Cm7 
Two sleepy people by dawn's early light 
    G   Edim    Am7    Cdim       G    Am7 D7 
And too much in love to say goodnight 
G       F#7  Am7         D7 
Here we are, in the cozy chair 
G             E7       C            Cdim 
Picking on a wishbone from the Frigidaire 
G7M  G6    E7           C     Am7 Cm7 
Two sleepy people with nothing to say 
     G  Edim    Am7     Cdim    G 
And too much in love to break away 


G  G9  G  C          D9       D7      G      G/F#    Em 
Do you remember the nights we used to linger in the hall 
Em7  C      C/B         D9 D7  G 
Your Father didn't like me at all 
   D7     G          C     D9  D7  C     C/B Am7   G 
Do you remember the reason why we married in the fall 
   C                 E7       A7           D7 
To rent this little nest, and get a bit of rest 
      G       F#7  Am7            D7 
Well, here we are, just about the same 
G             E7     C            Cdim 
Foggy little fella, drowsy little dame 
G7M  G6    E7         C     Am7    Cm7 
Two sleepy people by dawn's early light 
     G  Edim    Am7    Cdim      G     Am7 G 
And too much in love to say goodnight 
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