Adam Carroll

Screen Door

Adam Carroll

ukulele Expert expert

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Screen Door

Written by Adam Carroll

	  		(G)Lookin out the screen door(C)through the smoke into your(G)eyes
(C)Lookin out the screen door through the smoke into your(G)eyes
You’re(D)smilin through the screen door darlin(C)its worth ten thousand good(G)byes

I’m cleanin up the tables at the bar-b-q tonight
I’m cleanin up the tables at the bar-b-q tonight
I’m lookin out the screen door where your face comes in the light

You said you loved the tool pusher cause he bought you a ring
You said you loved the tool pusher cause he bought you a ring
I pledged my love a thousand times still you’re hidin behind the coke bottle machine

I make a wish when you’re not watchin but I keep my fingers crossed 
Yeah its only wishful thinkin but I keep my fingers crossed
While you take the old mans orders on the checkered table cloth

You ask me what have I got darlin when I go back home
You ask me what have I got darlin when I go back home
I got a trash sack full of rib bones and a pocket full of songs
And they’re all for you

You’re waiting for the tool pusher I’m turnin out the lights
You’re waiting for the tool pusher I’m turnin out the lights
He’s got Kilgore on his collar you know how you can tell he’s got a lipstick stain tonight

I got grease from washin dishes you got a nametag on your chest
I got grease from washin dishes you got a nametag on your chest
You’re walkin out the screen door and the smoke is all that’s left
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