Abbey Glover

Please Stay

Abbey Glover

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Please Stay

Capo on 3rd fret

Hiding in the car park 
Behind that super market where we go 
It's been a while now 
Its been a while since we were due home 
Everything is lovely except for the constant calls from our 
Parents on 
Our phones 
But it feels so nice 
Being here with you tonight you know 

C I could stay here all night G Sitting next to you Em Oh, there’s no one else around D No one else around but us two C But tell me what happens G When morning comes D Oh, when will i see you again? C Cos you're never around G D No, you're never around here
Verse Em Maybe if you stick around C Even for a little while with me Em I could change your mind G Change your mind on how you see things Em just give us a chance G Take my hand then you'll see C Can you feel my heart beating? Can you feel my heart beating? G Can you feel?
C I could stay here all night G Sitting next to you Em Oh, there’s no one else around D No one else around but us two C But tell me what happens G When morning comes D Oh, when will i see you again? C Cos you're never around G D D No, you're never around here
Bridge C Baby please stay G Don't go D I know you wanna stay D I know you wanna stay C I know C Baby please stay G Don't go D I know you wanna stay D I know you wanna stay C C I know
C I could stay here all night G Sitting next to you Em Oh, there’s no one else around D No one else around but us two C But tell me what happens G When morning comes D Oh, when will i see you again? C Cos you're never around D D G No, you're never around here
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