Abbey Glover

On My Mind

Abbey Glover

ukulele Easy easy


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On My Mind

    Am          C           G             F 
   I thought I’d told you everything I was thinking 
          Am        C     G     F 
   But it turned out I was just dreaming again 
       Am       C 
   now you’re gone 
   And I won’t get the chance 
   I won’t get the chance to say 
Am         C          G                          F 
   And all I can do is hope you were dreaming the same as me that day 

Am G F I love you more than words can say Am G F And I hope sometimes that I am on your brain Am Cos you’re always on mine G Always on mine F Always on mine Am All the time G All the time C F All the time
Verse Am C I thought I saw you today G F As I was walking home in the rain but it Am C G Turns out it was just my imagination F Playing tricks on me again Am C I feel like I’m going crazy G F I feel I’ve gone mad Am C But maybe I’m just sad because G F I’ve lost the best thing I ever had
Am G F I love you more than words can say Am G F And I hope sometimes that I am on your brain Am Cos you’re always on mine G Always on mine F Always on mine Am All the time G All the time C F All the time
Bridge F And I know I’ll see you again Am I just wish I could know when C So I can look forward D I can look forward to something F And I know I’ll see you again Am I just wish I could know when C So I can look forward D I can look forward to something D To something
Am G F I love you more than words can say Am G F And I hope sometimes that I am on your brain Am Cos you’re always on mine G Always on mine F Always on mine Am All the time G All the time C F All the time
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