Abbey Glover


Abbey Glover

ukulele Easy easy


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Key:  C More
Lonely Key GG
Lonely Key G#G#
Lonely Key AA
Lonely Key A#A#(one step down)
Lonely Key BB(half step down)
Lonely Key CC(original key)
Lonely Key C#C#(half step up)
Lonely Key DD(one step up)
Lonely Key D#D#
Lonely Key EE
Lonely Key FF
Lonely Key F#F#
verse 1 
C                                                  Am 
Hi Mr. Lonely, hi Mr. Lonely, you're my new best friend 
Do you have some company 
Do you have some company for me you could lend? 

I'm tired of hanging around myself 
             Am                    F      C 
I'd rather be hanging around anyone else 
Am F We all know lonely, we all know down G Am We all have evenings where we want to talk and others where we want no one around F G If you could just sit with me a moment, not make a sound Am F 'Cause I don't really need to say anything out loud for you to know what I'm thinking about
verse 2 C Am What can I do to get a piece of your love? F C Maybe I'm not cool, maybe I'm not smart, not pretty enough? Am Can you mend my broken heart F C So I can start again
Am F We all know lonely, we all know down G Am We all have evenings where we want to talk and others where we want no one around F G If you could just sit with me a moment, not make a sound Am F 'Cause I don't really need to say anything out loud for you to know what I'm thinking about
Bridge G I want you to notice me I want you I want you to know Am F G I want you, I want you so bad I want you to notice me I want you I want you to know Am F G I want you, I want you so bad I want you to notice me I want you I want you to know Am F G I want you, I want you so bad I want you to notice me I want you I want you to know Am F G I want you, I want you so bad
Am F We all know lonely, we all know down G Am We all have evenings where we want to talk and others where we want no one around F G If you could just sit with me a moment, not make a sound Am F G 'Cause I don't really need to say anything out loud for you to know what I'm thinking about
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