Abbey Glover

Its Okay Not To Be Okay

Abbey Glover

ukulele Easy easy


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Its Okay Not To Be Okay


Verse 1:

C C7 Sitting by my window sill F Cigarette hanging out of my mouth C C7 Smoke just disappears F Iīm in so much pain right now C C7 If medicine could mend a hurting heart F Or stop someone from falling apart C C7 That would be nice because Iīm dying F Dying for a new start
Dm You donīt want me anymore F How my poor heart aches C I donīt know what love is for C7 When it always ends in heartbreak F But Iīll use my pain to write poetry F Lullabies to help me fall asleep C Cosī I havenīt been sleeping C7 F Since youīre no longer sleeping next to me

Verse 2:

C Swimming along through life like waves C7 F Waves that are ten feet tall C C7 The funny thing is I donīt know how to swim F They come over me as I fall C C7 After the struggle I end up on the shore F Standing there asking myself what itīs all for C C7 Then I realize Iīm still standing F After the storm
Dm You donīt want me anymore F How my poor heart aches C I donīt know what love is for C7 When it always ends in heartbreak F But Iīll use my pain to write poetry F Lullabies to help me fall asleep C Cosī I havenīt been sleeping C7 F Since youīre no longer sleeping next to me


Dm F C C7 Itīs okay not to be okay sometimes Dm F C C7 Cosī healing a heart takes time
Dm You donīt want me anymore F How my poor heart aches C I donīt know what love is for C7 When it always ends in heartbreak F But Iīll use my pain to write poetry F Lullabies to help me fall asleep C Cosī I havenīt been sleeping C7 F Since youīre no longer sleeping next to me C Cosī I havenīt been sleeping C7 F Since youīre no longer sleeping next to me
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