Abbey Glover

A Song For The Broken Hearted

Abbey Glover

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A Song For The Broken Hearted

It's gonna take some time 
I'?m not sure how long 
And I know I can't make everything right 
With just one silly song 

Maybe it's raining and you feel the sky is crying 
And you can't stop thinking of them 
You don't know what to do 
You don't know what to do 

Cm G Em But take this moment as a chance to start loving yourself C G Before you start trying to love someone else again Cm G Treat yourself like you would your favorite things Em C G And care for yourself like you care for your family and friends D Wipe those tears away Em C Wipe those tears away for me G It's gonna be okay

Verse 1:

Cm G Go out and do new things Em You normally wouldn't do C Go new places, go exploring G And dance a lot too Cm G I promise it really helps Em To jump and swirl around the room C Thinking about nothing else G But the music that you're listening to
Cm G Em And don't forget to take this moment as a chance to start loving yourself C G Before you start trying to love someone else again Cm G Treat yourself like you would your favorite things Em C G And care for yourself like you care for your family and friends D And wipe those tears away Em C Wipe those tears away for me G It's gonna be okay

Verse 2:

Em Maybe you don't feel worthy C Maybe you don't feel pretty G D Maybe you don't feel anything at all Em But I promise you're more than worthy C You're beautiful G D And you deserve all of the joy and happiness in the world
And don't forget to take this moment as a chance to start loving yourself C G Before you start trying to love someone else again Cm G Treat yourself like you would your favorite things Em C G And care for yourself like you care for your family and friends D And wipe those tears away Em C Wipe those tears away for me G It's gonna be okay
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